Lassa tires

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#Lassa #CompetusAT3 ile dağa taşa meydan okuyun!
Türkiyənin lider təkər markası “Lassa”da yenidən möhtəşəm endirimli günlər başladı. 🤩
Yollara meydan oxumağa hazırsınız? 😎🤩 Onda Yeni “Lassa Competus A/T3” əsl sizlikdir. 💥💥


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Lassa is the best tire store place in Azerbaijan

Lassa tires currently have more than 500 sizes and varieties of tires on the roads of Azerbaijan for more than 24 years.

Lassa tyres, which have proven themselves in the tire market of Azerbaijan for many years, are now with you on the Lassa Azerbaijan website. You can order a tire online by specifying the desired size (Width, Height and Radius). In addition to selling tires, our shops provide services for car tyres (balancing, mounting, etc.) by our professional craftsmen.

The difference from the competitors is that it is a more durable tire, but it is also a soft and quiet tire.

In addition to online tyre sales, tire sales are also carried out in our stores. Using our free delivery service, you can conveniently order wheels without leaving your home.

In addition to searching for budget tires on, you can easily order tires by contacting us. If you do not know the tire size, you can get information about the desired size and prices by indicating the brand and model (Mercedes tires, BMW tires, Ford tires, Prado tires, etc.) when contacting the call center.

You can get detailed first-hand Lassa tires information on the website.