Lassa's Innovation: Lassa Revola - Tires for Electric and Hybrid Cars⚡

15 February / 2024 1 year ago 3563 views
Lassa - Lassa's Innovation: Lassa Revola - Tires for Electric and Hybrid Cars⚡

Lassa's Innovation: Lassa Revola - Tires for Electric and Hybrid Cars

Meet the new Lassa Revola tires that offer a more comfortable driving experience!

Lassa's revolutionary new product is designed with NextGen technology, without compromising on quality, safety and sustainability.

Design for electric and hybrid vehicles

Designed for electric and hybrid vehicles, the new Lassa Revola tires with EV READY design are designed to ensure perfect compatibility with these vehicles.

It provides a safe and comfortable driving experience, especially on rainy days, in difficult city and inter-city driving conditions. Intended for electric and hybrid vehicles of all sizes, the Lassa Revola meets the demands of changing automotive technologies with its EV Ready ("Ready for Electric Vehicles") sidewall decal along with its high quality.

Improved lifetime field performance

Through Nextgen technology, Lassa Revola tires offer safe performance with 'A' class wet label value, shorter braking distance and superior cornering ability.

Superior Fuel / Energy Efficiency

It provides superior fuel / energy efficiency with a 5% improvement in fuel and energy efficiency and a "B" class label value.

With these innovative wheels, take your driving experience up a notch and experience confidence and comfort at the same time!

